The Most Creative Agencies in the Nordic

Nord DDB is the most creative advertising agency in the Nordic countries.

At the same time Icelandic Brandenburg takes place eleven on the top list. Iceland's most creative advertising agency is well qualified as their results in Cannes Lions were equivalent to Nord DDB's. Brandenburg's lion harvest, in the form of a bronze for the rebranding of Iceland's iconic energy drink Orka, was surpassed only by Oatly's Department of Mind Control, TBWA Helsinki and Åkestam Holst NoA.

The entry New Gen Energy portrays Orka as an authentically inclusive brand that allows people to think outside and beyond boxes, dancing to a different beat. It positions the drink as Icelandic the moodenhancing drink traveling at the speed of culture.

“With a tiny, tiny population and a tiny market an award like this hopefully helps companies to more daring approaches”, says Bragi Valdimar Skúlason, CEO of Brandenburg.

The agencies Creative Director Arnar Hallórsson adds:

“Macho is driving the energy drink category. So our approach was going Anti Macho! The design sends a message that Orka is for everyone, everywhere—no matter your angle, no matter your perspective.”

This year's Cannes results brought TBWA, one of the agencies with a unified Nordic offering, to second place in the ranking. TBWA Helsinki has eight different entries shortlisted in at least one of the selected award shows with the Cannes shortlisting of Lethal Trends Warning System for the client Mannerheim League For Child Welfare. Iceland’s TB Pipar TBWA also contributed by winning a prize in Icelands leading award show, Lúðurinn.

Agencys creativity ranking by the algoritm of Indikat, the number of awards in selected award shows and the number of unique and rare jobs, shortlisted in at least one of the shows. (Widen your desk- or laptop window to see all 15 agencies if you only se one.)

RankAgencyCannes LionsEurobestOne ShowYouTube Works AwardsNational GoldNational SilverUnique jobs
1 NORD DDB 110851425
3Oatly Department of Mind Control34118
4Åkestam Holst NoA, Stockholm211611
5Forsman & Bodenforsrs, Sweden11269
5Prime Weber Shandwick, Stockholm126122
7Accenture Song, Copenhagen11515
8& Co. NoA111010
9TRY, Oslo11525
10Hello Monday Dept®1447
11New-Land, Copenhagen4214
11BBDO Nordics11124
14Supercell, Helsinki143
15Publicis Groupe11113